
Fertility can be affected by many factors, it is complex and multifactorial, that is why making an effort to be as healthy as possible prior to trying to conceive can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

At Pelvic Flow, we approach the treatment in a very wide and holistic way, we will advise on food, stress management and menstrual health.

From the physiotherapy side, we will work relaxing tensions in the diaphragm and the pelvic floor muscles, we will also improve blood circulation and one of the most important things, we will improve mobility in all reproductive system.

We will work externally and internally with techniques that allow us to guarantee a good anteversion and retroversion of the uterus since this is a movement that the uterus naturally does during intercourse and it is important to conceive.
After this treatment, everything will be in good conditions to have an optimal function.

The treatment consists of 4 physiotherapy sessions that will be performed on certain days of the menstruation cycle.

If after the first trying there is not pregnant in the next two months we will do one physiotherapy session each month.

Every case will be evaluated individually and we will adjust to specifics needs of every person.