Chronic pelvic pain

Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is commonly defined as non-malignant, intermittent or continuous pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis or intrapelvic structures, lasting at least 3–6 months. CPP is in not exclusively associated with the menstrual cycle, sexual intercourse or pregnancy.

It can be difficult and complex to determine the cause of pain; CPP may originate from one or more organ systems or pathologies and may have multiple contributing factors. It usually involves an interaction between the gastrointestinal, urinary, gynecologic, musculoskeletal, neurologic and endocrine systems. It can also be influenced by psychological and sociocultural factors.

Which are the main clinical presentation?
Chronic pelvic pain has numerous presentations, and persons with the same problem may exhibit different characteristics.

Common symptoms include:

  • Constant severe pelvic pain
  • Intermittent pain
  • Sharp or cramping pain
  • Dull aching
  • Pressure

Many people end up missing work, have difficulty doing non-strenuous exercises, and have difficulty sleeping. The level of pain can vary greatly and can contrast from mild to disabling.

What can we do from pelvic floor rehabilitation?

Increasing evidence suggests that pelvic floor muscle dysfunction associated with CPP so at Pelvic flow we have different technics that can be adjusted to your pain and needs at every occasion.

  • Manual therapy of the pelvic floor muscles
  • Myofascial release of painful trigger points of the pelvic floor
  • Message techniques
  • Relaxation
  • Pelvic floor muscles (PFM) exercises
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Specific stretches